#AllCoopedUp with Yasmine Khatib, Florist

Yasmine Khatib is a truly gifted artist. Flowers and foliage are her medium. I have been obsessed with her designs for a long time, and find true inspiration in every image she posts on her Instagram. She is also a kind and lovely person. We first met when I stumbled into her famous Valentine’s Day pop-up in one of our favorite LA shops in Atwater, Individual Medley. I cannot wait until the flower market reopens in LA so I can bump into her sourcing her spectacular creations. Also, I plan to order a giant arrangement from her as soon as she can safely get back to work. —Jenna

Yasmine Mei Khatib

What’s your profession, and what does your day-to-day work experience look like now? 

I’m a floral designer. My work has come to a complete halt, as the flower market is closed, and my line of work falls under nonessential.

Are there objects or spaces in your house that you are newly appreciating? Or are there objects and spaces you have come to loathe? 

The TV at my partner’s place has been getting a lot of attention lately. I’ve also been especially fond of the Vitamix

Describe your at-home quarantine uniform. 

My Parachute bathrobe in blush and blue and white striped espadrilles (they’re my house shoes). 

Who are you quarantining with? Do you feel the need to “get away”? How do you make it happen? 

I’m quarantining with my partner and his cat. Since we have separate homes, I retreat to my place when I need some space. I adore my partner, but I feel fortunate to have that option. 

What’s the last thing you purchased online? Regret or obsessed? 

The last thing I purchased was some flower seeds from Floret Flower Farm. I’m fully obsessed. 


Tell us the best shows, podcasts, or books you’re loving right now. 

The best show is California’s Gold, a public access TV show about the glory of California (virtually nobody agrees with me, but I stand by it). I’ve been spending perhaps too much time lusting over seed catalogs (notably Baker Creek catalogs), and books about gardening. I love the podcast Hidden Brain

Do you have any new quarantine activities or rituals? 

I've been trying to cook or bake something new to me every day. It’s become a positive distraction that I look forward to. I also spend a good deal of my time in my partner’s garden.  

What is your favorite quarantine snack? 

Walnuts. I have a new-found appreciation for them. 

What restaurants are you ordering takeout from?

I’ve only indulged in takeout once, and it was from Sqirl, my favorite restaurant in LA. 

What is the one item you’re glad you stocked up on? What do you wish you’d stocked up on? 

I’m very glad I stocked up on vitamins and supplements. I wish I had more tomato paste in the cupboard.

What is your creative outlet and how are you making space for it? 

My creative outlet is floral designing. It’s the thing that makes me the happiest and calms me the most. I’ve been arranging with flowers from my partner’s garden, as well as making pressed flower arrangements and bouquets. 

Yasmine Mei Khatib

Describe your biggest quarantine indulgence. 

I’ve been stress baking daily, and since I can’t share the baked goods with anybody except my partner, I’ve been eating basically everything I’ve baked. Blood orange polenta cake, chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, cinnamon rolls... Cookies in the morning have become the norm.  

What are you doing for exercise? 

Going for walks and doing light pilates indoors. 

What’s been the biggest challenge for you throughout this? 

The biggest challenge is trying to figure out how to stay afloat while not having any income for several months, but I’m staying positive! 

When this is over I cannot wait to ___________.

Hug my parents.  

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