Pamela Salzman is a guru, and everyone I know agrees. The only reason I ever attempt to cook is because of what I have learned from her amazing (pre-quarantine) classes. Lucky for all of us, she has taken her approach to making the world healthier online. During the quarantine we can find comfort in her amazing recipes and lessons. She just released her second cookbook, Quicker Than Quick. She is a certified holistic health counselor and her approach to nutrition through her natural foods cooking classes and blog, Kitchen Matters & Recipes, just makes sense. She lives in Manhattan Beach, California with her husband and three children. If you are not already a fan, you will be now.
What’s your profession, and what does your day-to-day work experience look like now?
I am a full-time cooking instructor and cookbook author. I was teaching in-person classes and 1 monthly online class, but now I am teaching everything online—from cooking and entertaining bootcamps, to cooking classes and Instagram Lives every day Monday through Saturday. I also just had a cookbook come out a few weeks ago, Quicker Than Quick: 140 Crave-Worthy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Foods in 30 Minutes or Less, so I am doing podcasts and interviews to promote that.

Are there objects or spaces in your house that you are newly appreciating? Or are there objects and spaces you have come to loathe?
My office used to be a small desk off the family room and now I have taken over the dining room as my office. I have a beautiful new custom Thomas Hayes table in there and it makes me happy to be able to work on it every day. Since I have been in quarantine, I have gotten more in touch with my house, and realize that my linen closet is in desperate need of an overhaul!
Describe your at-home quarantine uniform.
I'm still cooking all day and I do IG lives, so I can't stay in PJ's all day. I wear jeans, a crewneck sweater or sleeveless top (depending on the weather), either clogs or New Balance sneakers, and a pair of thin gold hoop earrings which make me feel like I am presentable.
Who are you quarantining with? Do you feel the need to “get away”? How do you make it happen?
I am thrilled to be with my husband and three children. One of my daughters lives in Dallas and is working from home, but from my home. And my other daughter is home from college. It is incredibly special for the 5 of us to be together like this.
What’s the last thing you purchased online? Regret or obsessed?
I bought some cute outfits for my book tour which is not happening at the moment. So now I have nowhere to wear them!
Tell us the best shows, podcasts, or books you’re loving right now.
I honestly don't have that much free time between work, cooking, cleaning the house, and trying to spend quality time with the kids. I am watching the new season of Killing Eve, just finished Ozark (loved it), and can't wait to start Dead to Me.

Do you have any new quarantine activities or rituals?
My husband and I take the dog for a walk together every night after dinner while the kids clean up. Totally into it!
What is your favorite quarantine snack? What restaurants are you ordering takeout from?
My homemade Big Cluster Granola frozen and Apple Nachos (with a hint of flaky salt) from my new book, Quicker Than Quick. We are ordering out once a week and the highlight meal so far has been from Pizzana. We have also ordered from Jon and Vinny's, El Pollo Inka and Rabano, both in the South Bay, and my husband recently ordered the "TV Dinner" from Dear John's.
What is the one item you’re glad you stocked up on? What do you wish you’d stocked up on?
I’m so glad I stocked up on frozen wild fish—it’s such a quick and easy protein for dinner and it holds up well in the freezer for months. I really wish we had stocked up on dark rye and bread flours. Who knew we'd become obsessed with making sourdough bread??
What is your creative outlet and how are you making space for it?
Teaching my kids how to cook. It has been especially easy to do that since they are helping me with the daily IG lives.
Describe your biggest quarantine indulgence.
Taking time away from my family to do things alone, like meditation and zoom calls with my friends.

If you have kids, how are you maintaining some kind of schedule for them?
My kids are older (my youngest is 16) so they keep their own schedule. My goal is to make sure everyone starts the day with breakfast at a reasonable time so that we can all keep on the same eating schedule and eat lunch and dinner together.
What are you doing for exercise?
It has been less than ideal, to say the least. I alternate walking in my neighborhood (with a mask) and doing a short video at home which involves weights. I try to exercise 5-6 times per week.
Are you sharing recipes with friends?
Always! Although, since my new book came out, that seems to be keeping my friends busy!
What’s been the biggest challenge for you throughout this?
I can't seem to keep up with keeping the house as clean and organized as I would like. Something had to give.
When this is over I cannot wait to ___________.
Have my friends over for dinner!