#AllCoopedUp with Jessica Vargas
Jess Vargas is an incredibly hard worker that took a risk and started Little Sparks Cookies, a unique business that has built a cult following. Not only do her cookies look unreal, but they actually taste unbelievable too. She found a way to use her creative talents to make people feel good and I can’t imagine throwing a party without her cookies as a gift or as part of our spread. - Jenna
What’s your profession, and what does your day-to-day work experience look like now?
I am a cookie artist and owner of Little Sparks Cookies. My weekday routine right now is me basically working non stop Sunday-Thursday, then prepping for the following week along with unpacking boxes and just getting settled in to our new home.
Are there objects or spaces in your house that you are newly appreciating? Or are there objects and spaces you have come to loathe?
We have a sunroom with the most peaceful view of trees and we are experiencing our first fall in our home and it’s pretty surreal. Ironically, I’m not too stoked on all of the leaves falling from the trees.
Describe your at-home quarantine uniform.
My AVN sweat pants and a big t-shirt. I actually change like 4 times a day. I’ll change to go get a coffee and come home and put sweatpants on again!

Who are you quarantining with? Do you feel the need to “get away”? How do you make it happen?
I am quarantining with my partner, Neen. We have been together for 7 years and yes it’s nice to not be around each other 24/7. I like to hang out with my best friend and he is a pro skateboarder so that’s his bro time.
What’s the last thing you purchased online? Regret or obsessed?
Nothing exciting, a new heat sealer. It’s very necessary for shipping so obsessed!
Tell us the best shows, podcasts, or books you’re loving right now.
I just binged The Crown! I’m currently watching: A Teacher, Fargo, and Bob’s Burgers and The Office are my go to’s. Podcasts: Crime Junkie, My Fav Murder, Dateline, and Conan Needs a Friend. I haven’t read a book since the beginning of quarantine! Oops.
Do you have any new quarantine activities or rituals?
Walking. I’ve never been a walker, but man do I love a quarantine walk! I also call my friends and family a lot more which I love.
Any go-to cravings or recipes you’ve been loving? Favorite restaurants for takeout?
I’ve been making these crispy chocolate chip cookies that I love so much! LA restaurants: Burgers 99, Izakaya, and Badmaash for take out. I haven’t explored much in my new neighborhood, but we have an amazing Guatemalan restaurant near us that I love!

What is your creative outlet and how are you making space for it?
Luckily, my job is so creative and therapeutic. But if I had to pick one that isn’t my job, it would be music. I love listening to music all day, I really miss going salsa dancing and going to concerts. In the meantime, I just blast music at home!
Describe your biggest quarantine indulgence.
Not waking up to an alarm!
What’s been the biggest challenge for you throughout this?
Being so isolated. I love seeing clients, hosting cookie parties, and seeing people react and enjoy my work. Luckily, we can still interact online!

How will you be celebrating the holidays this year?
With my immediate family (parents and siblings) and eating a lot of amazing food (tamales, pozole, pan dulce, cafe de olla)!
When this is over I cannot wait to ___________.
Travel to another country, particularly Vancouver!