#AllCoopedUp with Jenna Cooper, Real Estate Agent and +COOP Owner

#AllCoopedUp with Jenna Cooper, Real Estate Agent and +COOP Owner

#AllCoopedUp with Jenna Cooper 

Jenna is the Founder + Principal Agent on our team, and has been working in real estate for over 20 years. She’s also the owner of +COOP, a home goods and events space in Los Angeles. Jenna is a wife and a mom to 15-year-old twins. She lives in Hancock Park with her family and two dogs, and below she shares everything she’s up to while she’s #AllCoopedUp.

What’s your profession, and what does your day-to-day work experience look like now?

I’m a real estate agent, shopkeeper, wife, and mom. I try to wake up as late as possible - I’m making it to around 7:30am these days. I manage to move from my bed to the couch throughout the day, usually on zoom calls, answering emails and speaking to clients. I go into my shop/office every other day to just look around and when we have orders, I take way too long packing them up. Yesterday I delivered 2 orders to Venice. That was a highlight since it took me 20 minutes (instead of 1 hour and 20 minutes) to get there! I got to look at the ocean, which was crystal clear, and looked more like the Caribbean than the Pacific!

Are there objects or spaces in your house that you are newly appreciating? Or are there objects and spaces you have come to loathe?

My garden and my garden. My garden is my sanctuary. I love to plant and grow organic veggies, herbs, and flowers, yet I am frustrated by the orientation of the spaces. I don’t have enough room to plant all that I want to. I used to have a chicken coop with chickens, which I really miss.

Describe your quarantine uniform.

Mel Filles dresses from +COOP, my new jumpsuit from The Only Jane, and sweats and t-shirts from THE GREAT and Clare V. I wear Birkenstocks or Jenni Kayne slippers all day long as well.

Who are you quarantining with? Do you feel the need to “get away”? How do you make it happen?

My husband, my 15 year old twins, and my 2 golden retrievers. When I feel the need to get away, I go to my shop/office which is like an oasis to me. It’s never messy and it’s highly organized. All of which makes me feel like the world is not so out of balance.

What’s the last thing you purchased online? Regret or obsessed?

I’m obsessed with my new iRobot vacuum Roomba. I also am excited to receive the rubber gloves I preordered that have built-in scrubbers on the palms.

Tell us the best shows, podcasts, or books you’re loving right now.

The Tiger King show (obviously). I listen to The Daily most days. Weirdly, I am not finding any extra time to relax. I have a stack of unread books next to my bed, so maybe tonight…. I am also dabbling with the idea of meditating. My husband thinks it will be very good for me and he is trying to teach me with a pleasant-sounding lady on an app. Does that count as a podcast?

What are the best and worst things about your co-quarantiners?

They’re willing to have spontaneous dance parties, but they can be messy! And the foodie factor is a little double edged — it’s hard to make every meal AMAZING!

Do you have any new quarantine activities or rituals?

Afternoon bike rides with my son. We hum the Sesame Street song “These are the people in my neighborhood” and ride by all of our friends’ houses. We play the game “If this was my house I would ______.” His favorite line is “knock it down”. I usually say things like “paint the trim Card Room Green and the stucco Chelsea Gray”.

What is your favorite quarantine snack? What restaurants are you ordering takeout from?

Angelini Alimentari. We haven’t gotten sick of it yet, and I'm kind of thinking it may never happen.

What is the one item you’re glad you hoarded? What is the one item you wish you hoarded?

I hoarded Aesop hand soap, and I wish I had hoarded yeast and flour — we are a family of bakers.

Do you feel creative? If so, what is your creative outlet and how are you making space for it?

Not so much, unless gardening counts. I’ve been planting organic veggies like crazy. My family has also been redecorating their rooms, and I help a little with organizing which is my calming ritual. The other day I color-coordinated my stash of sponges. Turns out, I have been hoarding for a lot longer than I want to admit. Describe your biggest quarantine indulgence. Having the time to organize every space in my house. I am taking inventory of how much we have that we really do not need. I’m also spending tons of time with my kids and teaching them little things like how to plant tomatoes, how to make chicken stock, and how to finish a job you start.

If you have kids, how are you maintaining some kind of schedule for them?

I have 15 year old twins. They go to school from 8am-3pm (online), which is a blessing. I’m not sure how things are gonna go when we have 2 weeks of unstructured Spring Break. They used to rotate their chores (dog day vs dish day) every day. Now we are making it a weekly rotation. Each kid is responsible for making the family dinner one day a week. I've told them they are in charge of every detail. I don't care if it's an epic disaster and we have to eat burnt toast, as long as they try and follow through. So far we've had potato gnocchi w/ tomato broth (thanks Smitten Kitchen) and roasted eggplant w/ anchovies, salad and steak. I love their ambition and execution so far.

What are you doing for exercise?

Not enough. But trying to take walks and riding my bike.

What’s been the biggest challenge for you throughout this?

To wake up every day with a super positive attitude. And to actually ever get out of bed.

When this is over I cannot wait to ___________.

When this is over, I cannot wait to go back to WORK selling houses, visit my Mom in Phoenix, and sit on the beach. Hawaii or Comporta here we come...!