#AllCoopedUp with Lucy Lipofsky
“She comes in colors everywhere, she’s like a rainbow.” These Rolling Stones lyrics written on a mirror she designed that hangs in her colorful room that was recently featured in Domino Magazine perfectly describe my daughter, Lucy Lipofsky. She is an artist, an activist and one of the most loving and loyal people I know. She spends all her time creating! She makes websites, jewelry, movies, and clothes! I am especially in awe of the thoughtful way she has activated her fellow peers to do good with her LULU and Friends web shop. My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. Living with Lucy Lipofsky makes me feel like I am a permanent resident of “somewhere over the rainbow.” - Jenna
What’s your profession, and what does your day-to-day work experience look like now?
I’m in 11th grade at Windward School, so I am a student first, as well as an artist. I wish I could leave the house, but I never really do. I typically do Zoom school in my room. For a change of scenery, I love going to my mom’s shop, +COOP, to Zoom in her private office, which I have named The Den.
Are there objects or spaces in your house that you are newly appreciating? Or are there objects and spaces you have come to loathe?
I’ve come to love being in my room ever since I redid it. It turns out my mom also loves being in my room because sometimes I’ll catch her doing her work while sitting on my built-in bed, instead of working in her office.

Describe your at-home quarantine uniform.
I really hate going an entire day without getting dressed so I try to wear something cute everyday. My new favorite shoes are my white boots with black soles from Rachel Comey. My favorite pants are a pair of blue painter pants from the shop Trading Post (a birthday gift from my friend, Blue). I always try to up my accessory game with a mask, bandana, sunglasses and good jewelry. If I don’t have the right item, I will just make it!
Who are you quarantining with? Do you feel the need to “get away”? How do you make it happen?
I’m quarantining with my mom, dad and twin brother and my 2 dogs. Sometimes I do feel like I need to get away. I usually get in bed and scroll through my Instagram to escape. I could spend hours watching nail art videos.
What’s the last thing you purchased online? Regret or obsessed?
The last thing I bought online was a Free and Easy maroon hoodie that I wear pretty much everyday. I also am obsessively crocheting so I keep ordering yarn from one of my favorite NYC spots Purl Soho. I’ve made everyone I know a special hat. And, I just finished a giant quilt.
Tell us the best shows, podcasts, or books you’re loving right now.
I have been watching The Sopranos. And re-watching The Office for the 5th time.
Do you have any new quarantine activities or rituals?
When I get really bored, I usually do a face mask. My current favorite mask is from Eminence Organic Skin Care. I also like to paint my nails and attempt nail art. I tend to pick it off the next day, so it has become an every other day ritual. I also try to text bank or write post cards every day. My mom’s friends started Hang Out Do Good, or H.O.D.G., which is a great resource to figure out what I can do to help my future. Since I can't yet vote, I try to find ways to make a difference however I can.
What is your favorite quarantine snack? What restaurants are you ordering takeout from?
My favorite quarantine snack has been a tie between Trader Joe’s Chili + Lime Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips, or as I call them, “fake Takis,” and dark chocolate covered pretzels from our favorite place on the Jersey shore, Jagielkys. My go-to Postmates order is Ceviche from Tere’s Mexican Grill.
What is your creative outlet and how are you making space for it?
I’ve been sewing a lot lately. I have a room we’ve dubbed “the art room” where all of my projects are kept. I also am making a lot of stuff to sell on my website LULU and friends.
Describe your biggest quarantine indulgence.
Love Island! My friends and I are obsessed.
If you have kids, how are you maintaining some kind of schedule for them?
I am a kid.
What are you doing for exercise?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Are you sharing recipes with friends?
I used to like to bake - but now, not so much. Mostly because I really hate cleaning up.
What’s been the biggest challenge for you throughout this?
Not going shopping and going to restaurants.
When this is over I cannot wait to ___________.
Go to Genwa Korean BBQ with all my friends, go to the movies, and go shopping for vintage clothes!