#AllCoopedUp with Pia Baroncini

#AllCoopedUp with Pia Baroncini

#AllCoopedUp with Pia Baroncini 

Pia Baroncini does it all - she’s an entrepreneur, Creative Director, podcast host, and she’s on her way to becoming a new mom! It comes as no surprise that she’s flourished during COVID: she’s expanding her business portfolio, working on her house, and preparing to welcome her daughter into the world. All the while, she’s been living in her childhood home with her husband and her mother, so she’s developed some creative ways to deal with the unique stresses of quarantine and pregnancy. It’s a treat to have her share her favorite COVID indulgences with us - get ready to take some notes!

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, what are you looking forward to most about being a mother?

I’m excited to see what she’s all about - who she is on her own and then what little things she will pick up from us, especially what expressions she will use from my husband. He will be speaking Italian to her, so I also love that we will be learning a language at the same time.

How would you describe your profession and what does your weekday routine look like now?

I am the Creative Director of LPA, I run Ghiaia Cashmere with my husband, we are about to launch Baroncini Import and Co which is ceramics and olive oil from Italy, and I have a podcast called Everything is the Best. My days are crazy right now because we have tons of house stuff happening and I’m pregnant. I try to get in a work-out in the morning, answer emails, record, design, approve, post... all the shit. Meanwhile, my husband is building a store, so he will ask me a million questions. And we have three dogs, so there is a lot of throwing balls during zoom calls.



How, if at all, have you adapted your approach to work to deal with COVID? 

We were working a lot from home and living with my mom to begin with, so thankfully there wasn't a huge transition. Being isolated while pregnant was hard. None of my friends have seen my belly. I started to get weird, but then we formed a pod, and once my human interaction increased my mood increased. Are there any objects or spaces in your house that have a new appreciation for? Anything you’ve come to loathe? I hate my kitchen paint color and backsplash. HATE. Same with the master bedroom. But I really came to appreciate the house as a whole. I grew up here and take it for granted sometimes. The bathtub really has become a special place for me.

Describe your at-home quarantine uniform.

Sweats and baggy, cozy dresses. Who are you quarantining with? Do you feel the need to “get away”? My hubby and momma. Yea I do - and did - and have! I lost it one day, grabbed a dog and got in my car and just drove. I didn’t have a location but figured buying house stuff would make me happy. So I went to the mart in Venice and then booked a hotel room on the water. It felt like I went on a trip for a week. It was very necessary.

What’s the last thing you purchased online? Regret or obsession?

A daybed from One Kings Lane - obsession.


Are there any shows, podcasts, or books you’re loving right now? 

We re-watched Boardwalk Empire like two junkies - at least an episode a day. Now it’s over and we feel a bit lost. I’m reading baby books - my favorite is Brain Rules for Babies because I want fact over opinion.

Do you have any new quarantine activities or rituals?

Before I got pregnant we were taking a “booze cruise” everyday. We would grab a roadie and go on a walk. I miss it. As soon as she’s out, the ritual will be back in full effect.

Any go-to cravings or recipes you’ve been loving? What are your favorite restaurants for takeout or local spots you’ve been supporting?

We cook A LOT. On the weekends we love Osawa Sushi in Pasadena, Kismet Rotisserie, Cafe Stella and Gigi’s.

What is your creative outlet and how are you making space for it?

It’s very hard being creative and stuck at home. I’ve actually been moving the house around non-stop - I find that inspires me.

What’s been the biggest challenge for you throughout this?

Going through my pregnancy without my friends, or having strangers tell me congrats and inappropriately touch my stomach. I really wanted that.

When this is over I can’t wait to ___________.

Go to Sicily and see our family.